Tuesday, January 5, 2010

No way DOA

As much as I have an soft spot for DOA games, there is no honor, only deep shame in getting DOAX2 achievements. I am ready to call it, that game has the worst conceived achievements of all time.

My gaming goal for 2010 is to finally get all the achievements in Dead Rising, the polar opposite of DOAX2 as it has some of the the best achievements ever made.

Anyway, back to real stuff. I am starting to hate Dragon Age... Because it is keeping from playing anything else. I want to play Assassins Creed 2, Demon's Souls, and Torchlight. Not to mention Bayonetta that comes out tomorrow, but I just have to look at all of them like I'm a little kid and say "sorry, I can't play I've got chores..." Somehow I got the completionist bug for Dragon Age, it is unhealthy and I'm trying to kick it, but I will finish the game this month come dragons or ages.

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