Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Most Bionic of All First Impressions

So I've crossed the threshold. There's no turning back now. It's just me, Mike Patton, bad dialogue, and the post-apocalypse. Yea, truly, this is the Age of Bionic Commandos.

So far, the game really doesn't seem to be as bad as reviews make it out to be. It's true that things like Radiation and Water make for piss-poor, frustrating border control, but it skews close enough to a challenge than it does cheap frustration for me to forgive it. If, in my initial couple of hours, Bionic Commando suffers from anything, it's from simply being mediocre. I'm beginning to think that I've been spoiled for far too long with AAA titles that I can't just step back and enjoy a B-grade game every now and then.

I have to say, the swing mechanics have been pretty fun so far. Unlike my experiences with Mirror's Edge, where the parkour was only fun when you could keep the momentum going, Bionic Commando's swing isn't nearly as hard to sustain. It can, actually feel pretty badass, when I've really got my mojo going.

I can't tell if the story really is awful, so far, or if it's just the dialogue. I can't quite put my finger on it, but it's reminding me of something. Everything is constructed to be spat, bitterly by people who're far too aloof & hate the ever living daylights out of everyone forever. On the other hand, hearing my main man Mike Patton trying to deliver these shit sammiches has been making me laugh a lot.

I keep hearing that there's some crazy twist coming up. Can't wait to get to it.

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