Wednesday, March 17, 2010

March Goals: An Uphill Battle

So, let's not beat around the bush. My March Goals are, to put it very kindly, tardy. Obviously, I feel horrible about it. There are few things in this world I take more seriously than, y'know, updating my award-winning video game blog. To be fair, though, at some point, without my knowing, I must have eaten 4 McDonald's burgers & chased it down with a liter of Tijuana water, and I've just barely regained the ability to type.

That being said, my March is going to be an uphill battle. Even in the face of Grits's ridiculous (yet irresistible) RE5 goals. The inclusion of Lost in Nightmares, Desperate Escape, and the other various DLC delights has really re-ignited my jonze for it. Even so much as to spur me into purchasing the ever-hated competitive multiplayer DLC, in an effort to achieve Grits's lofty goals. But, seeing as I've been pretty sick for the past couple of weeks and really haven't felt much like gaming, my other goal will be equally difficult.

I've tasked myself with the relatively soft-touch goal of finishing Bayonetta, which Grits has graciously borrowed to me. Thus far, I find him to be correct, the game is bizarre and awesome. I'll keep you all posted, as I'm sure there's a lot of edge-seat sitting a' goin on.

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