Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Red Dead Endurance.

I'm not saying I dislike the game. Quite the opposite, for the most part. The setting has been fun and Marsten has made for a compelling lead, somewhat unconventional compared to usual Rockstar fare. I've also been finding a lot of enjoyment in the arena of multiplayer. Something Grits and I have dug into and, generally speaking, found to be refreshing and fun (with the exception of the occasional griefer). What I am saying is that the game is wearing me down a bit. Particularly in the theater of Mexico, which I am currently bogged down in. Worn me down to the point that I've begun to take breathers from it and go back to older games I never finished. Though I am enjoying the game, I'm troubled that, most nights, I can't even look at it.

This is one of the first times in a game I'm enjoying that I've experienced doldrums. The problem really seems to be that there's just SO much to do that ends up amounting to very little. Those of you whom are playing know Marsten's motivations. He's looking for members of his old gang to bring to justice. Obviously, he has to establish leads. Unfortunately, each lead ends up having a list of chores that would put my old Mamaburn to shame. Honestly, in light of Marsten's badass persona, it kind of takes you out of the story when he's always acquiescing humbly and kicking his feet in frustration every time a lead tells him they just need "one more favor", from him, before they give up his quarries location. This has been particularly frustrating in Mexico, which seems to have no end in sight.

In future games in this genre, I'd like to see Rockstar concentrate on making multi-task missions that further the story in bigger chunks, rather than peppering the landscape with one-offs you're forced to run back and forth to. It's okay if they're not great feasts of content, but I would prefer a nice lunch spread to the widely scattered Bagel Bites we end up having.

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